27th Annual Portland Open Studios Application

Application open February 1 - 28, 2025

Event dates:  October 11, 12, 18 & 19, 2025


Lego person posed as an artist with text on the image saying, "Call to Artists," "Application open Feb 1-28," "Event Oct 11, 12, 18 & 19," "Portlandopenstudios.com" and the Portland Open Studios Logo.
Call to Artist Graphic 1

About the Tour

Portland Open Studios is a juried studio tour of 100+ artists in Portland, Oregon, providing a unique opportunity for artists to open their studios to the public. Now in our 27th year, Portland Open Studios is a premier and anticipated annual arts event which attracts visitors from the community and beyond. The tour is a FREE event for visitors, and attendees can view or print the tour guide and maps online via mobile or desktop devices. Participating artists engage the community by demonstrating their methods and showing their work. This event will be held during the days of October 11, 12, 18 & 19, 2025. A $25 application fee is required for all applicants, and a $250 participation fee is due upon acceptance.


Info Session on Zoom

If you have more questions, we will be hosting an info session via Zoom on Monday, February 10 at 6pm.

Topic: Portland Open Studios Info Session
Time: Feb 10, 2025 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 9633 1081
Passcode: 702778



Open to residents of Portland, Oregon who work in all visual media except film.

Artists are required to open their studios (a studio is any workspace which the artist is permitted to open to the public and where the artist can demonstrate their working methods—living rooms, garages, etc. are permissible) for all tour hours of both weekends.

Studio addresses must be within Portland city limits. 

Artists must have an educational element, such as documentation of methods or demonstrations of technical and creative processes.

Artists should self-promote their participation in any manner as long as any mention of their studio address includes information about Portland Open Studios.



Submit 4 images for the jury at the specifications listed below. If accepted, these images will be used for PDXOS online and print advertising. You will not be able to resubmit images or make changes after submitting your application.

  • File format:  JPEG only
  • File Dimensions: 4 by 4 inch Square
  • File Resolution:  300 dpi
  • File Size:  5 MB maximum


Jury Procedure

Your four images will be judged by the jurors, along with your artist statement. While some of the application questions are required in order to obtain information for the tour guide and some are asked for potential use in publicity or demographic information, none of the identifying application questions are seen by the jurors.

Four jurors from the art community will score each artist based on these criteria:

  • Quality of work: Is the art visually engaging, skillfully executed, thought-provoking, etc?

  • Professional Presentation: Do your photos have a clear background, good angles and lighting? Is your written communication clear? Is your application thorough?

  • Consistent Voice: Are your submitted art pieces stylistically and thematically consistent? Please note that the jury will be looking for consistency here, not versatility, so if you work in multiple mediums or styles, it is best to choose one to showcase.

The combined jury scores determine which artists are invited to participate.


What PDXOS Offers Accepted Artists

  • A dedicated profile page on the PDXOS website, featuring a website link, artist statement, the four images you submitted in this application, and social media links.
  • Access to the Portland Open Studios Artist Portal, which includes access to all previous recordings of professional development workshops, panels and discussions.
  • Signature yellow yard signs directing visitors to studios are lent to each artist.
  • Invitation to two essential artist meetings providing tour information, professional tips, and the opportunity to connect with other accepted artists.
  • Cross promotion and announcements about the event will be published via Portland Open Studios social media and other advertising venues leading up to the tour.
  • Coordinate self-promotion with Portland Open Studios using social media resources provided to you in the PDXOS member portal.
  • Opportunity to participate in Instagram artist takeovers before the event, to promote yourself and your work via the PDXOS Instagram page for one day.
  • Artists may be invited to engage in additional marketing and art sales opportunities with PDXOS including but not limited to art exhibitions, news coverage, interviews, and art workshops or classes.


Scholarship Opportunities

Kimberly Gales Emerging Artist Scholarship:

Artists 20-30 years of age are encouraged to apply for the Kimberly Gales Scholarship to Portland Open Studios. Recipient will have their participation fee waived.

Scholarship application available upon request. (Select that you would like to apply on the main application and we will send additional requirements.)

Molly Cliff Hilts Scholarship for Historically Marginalized Artists:

Artists of all ages from historically marginalized communities are encouraged to apply for the Molly Cliff Hilts Scholarship to Portland Open Studios. Recipient will have their participation fee waived. See application below for details about additional requirements. 

Scholarship application available upon request. (Select that you would like to apply on the main application and we will send additional requirements.)


Program Timeline

February 10: Zoom Info Session for interested applicants
February 28: Application submissions close at 5 pm (PST)
March 25: Accepted artists will be notified by email
March 31: Artists must accept the invitation to participate
April 15: The 2025 artist list will be released to the public
May 15: Zoom Artist Meeting, 6 pm—Receive relevant information about the tour and other events for the year. Q & A. Opportunity to volunteer as Community Leader for your artist community.
September 5: Preview Show Party open to the public. Portion of artwork sales benefits PDXOS. Yard sign distribution. 6-8 pm.
October 11, 12, 18 & 19: Weekend dates of studio tour. Studios open 10–4.


2025 Artist Application

TIP: All questions must be answered and payment rendered in order to submit this form. You will receive two emails if your submission was successful—one payment receipt and one application confirmation.

First Name *
Last Name *
Gender Pronouns
If other, please specify below
Will not be displayed publicly
If you don't have a studio address, enter your home address
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Wheelchair Accessible?
*Accessibility is not required to be part of the tour, just notated.
Include http:// or https://
Include http:// or https://
Include http:// or https://
Include http:// or https://
If accepted in Portland Open Studios, would you like to participate in our Instagram takeover?
In third person format (i.e. "Jane Smith lives and works in..."). May include a brief listing of relevant education or mentorships, solo or group exhibitions, collections, teaching, publications, public works, etc.
In first person format (i.e. "My work is...") Things to include: Your working process, inspirations, intended audience, materials, etc. DO NOT include: anything that would identify yourself to the jury, as your entry will be judged anonymously.
JPEG only, 300 dpi, 4 x 4 inch square, 5 MB maximum
No file selected
Title, year made (optional)
medium(s), H x W x D in inches (depth only if applicable)
JPEG only, 300 dpi, 4 x 4 inch square, 5 MB maximum
No file selected
Title, year made (optional)
medium(s), H x W x D in inches (depth only if applicable)
JPEG only, 300 dpi, 4 x 4 inch square, 5 MB maximum
No file selected
Title, year made (optional)
medium(s), H x W x D in inches (depth only if applicable)
JPEG only, 300 dpi, 4 x 4 inch square, 5 MB maximum
No file selected
Title, year made (optional)
medium(s), H x W x D in inches (depth only if applicable)
Which media would you like listed to represent the majority of your work?
Choose all that apply
If you select Other, please list below
Are you applying for the Kimberly Gales Scholarship for Emerging Talent?
Eligibility: Artists between the ages of 20 and 30
If yes, we will email you the link to apply
Are you applying for the Molly Cliff Hilts Memorial Scholarship for Historically Marginalized Artists?
Eligibility: Artists who are a member of a historically marginalized community
If yes, we will email you an amended application
The participation fee is $250 per applicant and is non-refundable after you confirm participation. If accepted, will you:
If a payment plan is necessary, full payment must be complete by May 1st.
Credit Card Information

Your security code is the 3-digit code at the end of the signature field on your card's back.

Your total payment will be
Your credit balance will cover
Your credit card will be charged
Your bank account will be charged