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Hazel Glass

Hazel Glass

Hazel Glass

Cutting paper is a form of meditation for me. As I get lost in details, my blade follows the lines until they've led me to the destination: Delicate windows into abstracted worlds.
There are up to 100 layers of paper in these intricate images. They begin life with pen on paper, gaining volume as the design develops. Each layer of my originals are then hand-cut using an X-acto knife, and stacked up from those 2D drawings into otherworldly sunken-relief sculptures. My focus is on miniatures, as I firmly believe that bigger is not better, and find both the meticulous technical challenges and resulting delicacy of working small too intriguing to ignore. But perhaps most essential to my work is color. Whether the palette is vibrant or subdued, it is an integral part of the work. And while the design is what my art is saying, color is the tone of voice through which each piece speaks.

7342 N Portsmouth Ave Portland OR

Paper | Papercutting | Sculpture
Community: N Portland
Studio Number: 7